Controversial Virus Prevention Method

Controversial Virus Prevention Method

Once again the HSUS gets it wrong, but doesn’t care, because what they are spouting sounds so much worse than what it really is. I’m talking about the most recent PED virus prevention method being used by pork producers in an effort to stop the devastating losses of of their herds. The method is called “feedback” and involves taking fecal or intestinal material out of baby pigs that were sick and died of the disease; straining it, purifying it, and giving it back to the sows orally. The sows then become immune and the pigs stop dying. Fact is, 100% of baby pigs will die until immunity becomes involved. Feedback is a tried and true proven method of dealing with these types of viruses. There are no vaccines that work for PED virus. While it sounds gross to humans, feedback is just a faster method of incorporating what happens naturally on a farm. The HSUS would like people to believe that pork producers are feeding baby pigs back to the mothers and creating cannibal pigs. The truth is far from it. But the truth isn’t what HSUS is about.

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