Is Agriculture a Useless Degree?

Is Agriculture a Useless Degree?

I’m confused. That’s been known to happen on occasion, ask anyone who knows me, but in this instance I think my confusion is justified. I’m referring to the recent article denoting certain college degrees as useless. Out of a top five list their number one pick for a useless degree is agriculture; they go on to also list animal science and horticulture. Strange when you consider that agriculture has been the one strong point in an otherwise failing economy. Many other reports that conflict with this one predict both the renewable energy industry and the agriculture industry as areas of strength for the American economy in 2012 and beyond. So why the dissing of ag related degrees and why would such degrees be considered useless if the related field of work is going strong? Hence my confusion. Interestingly, when reading why they consider these degrees as useless they cite stiff competition, hard work, and that applying these degrees to anything outside of their specific areas might be difficult. Guess if those interested in these degrees can be turned off that easily, they probably weren’t cut out for the ag industry in the first place.


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