Sugar: A Controlled Substance?

Sugar: A Controlled Substance?

The latest spouting off about sugar being toxic came as no surprise. Claims that sugar is as toxic as tobacco or illegal drugs has been bouncing around for quite some time now. What does come as a surprise is that those who are considered legitimate scientists are suggesting that sugar should be a controlled substance and that people should be carded whenever they purchase sweet snacks or sodas. Food activists are known for saying things that are on the outrageous side; calling cheese “dairy crack” ,and “salt the other white snorting powder” are two prime examples. Saying sugar is the equal of tobacco is certainly right up there in the audacity factor. Thankfully, there are still those in the medical community that bring common sense to the table in the discussion on nutritional food values, stating that, “sugar does not cause obesity and diabetes, excess causes those.” If it goes that far, short of implementing a “sugar prohibition”, the regulating of sugar will no doubt be a difficult issue to tackle. After all, the American public does have a love affair with sugar, but as everyone knows banning a product only makes it that much more sought after.


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