Something Borrowed...

Something Borrowed...

There’s borrowed money, borrowed time, and borrowed words, but borrowed land? Yes borrowed land. One of the largest challenges for young farmers today is being able to access or acquire land in order to grow crops. The lack of available land often stops potential farmers before they even have a chance to start. This however is changing as several young and industrious farmers have discovered a way to get around land access issues in many states by literally going door to door in order to meet landowners who are willing to let them grow food on their property. Often times these agreements for land sharing are the old fashioned verbal variety, with a handshake and an honest word being all that begins a long and fruitful relationship. Most often the crops of fresh fruits and vegetables being grown by these young farmers on their borrowed land are sold to local restaurants, grocers, and families that have weekly deliveries made right to their doorstep. The next generation in farming is seeking out new ways to renew and restore local sustainable agriculture, and are boldly carving out their own place in farming history.  

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