Wind Turbine Syndrome

Wind Turbine Syndrome

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


Do you have trouble sleeping, irritable, nauseous,  dizzy, suffer from headaches,stay tuned after the break I might just have a name for your  symptoms. If you live west of the Cascades and suffer from sleep disturbance, headaches, tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness, nausea, irritability, and anything else that ails you,  blame wind turbines, other folks are. Wind Turbine Syndrome was coined by Dr. Nina Pierpont, after she found what she believed  were  common symptoms among clients that lived near the whirl of  wind turbines.  Dr. Pierpont has only hypothesized that the turbines could create a host of health problems caused by low frequency sound waves,  but she’s opened a Pandora’s Box for wind energy opponents who up until now fought construction of turbines by citing noise pollution, sigt obstruction, lower  property values and avian  deaths. Interestingly the syndrome has only been reported in the US and Canada, countries both apprehensive about wind energy due to active opposition groups. In Europe where wind turbines are highly accepted and have been in place for decades, (notably in Denmark and Germany) there has been virtually no mention of any health risk despite extensive research.  So as more and more wind turbines pop up throughout our western vistas without laying ground work for community relations trust me we’ll be hearing more from the media about the dangers of wind turbine syndrome, just start  counting the stories.  Hey maybe a vaccine will be available. I’m Susan Allen  
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