Proper Handling

Proper Handling

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Brian Huskey's an avid fly fisherman who turns his hobby into photographs that he shares with people all over the world. Because of his love of his sport and craft, he urges people to learn how to handle fish that they intend to release. "If you are going to let a fish go, the most fundamental practice a person can do in helping a fish live, is keeping it in the water throughout that process. That phrase, condensed into one word without any spaces, became the hashtag keepemwet which I started using on my photography. Friends, associates, other people in flyfishing culture started catching on and that hashtag became incredibly popular and started being used far and wide around the world with tens, and eventually hundreds of thousands of other people tagging their images with keepemwet in support of these better handling practices for fish that are going to be released. A short time after this all gained momentum and a following, there became something of a conflict in what it meant. I sensed an opportunity to quickly corral the horses and define what keepemwet was intended to mean in the way that I intended it. In doing so I created a website and I rounded up scientists to convey these messages of actual scientifically verified handling practices."
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