The otter that got away

The otter that got away

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
While chatting with the big boss of our sportsmen's spotlight team I found out Kelly Allen had gone fishing in the river behind his house in Walla Walla, Washington. Ever heard from a fisherman about the one that got away? "this last weekend we had good rainfall which pushed water down the river and the steelheads which are at the mouth of the river will start coming up. I thought I would go out and try and catch one. I'm fishing this little rift and out of the corner of my eye, I see something coming down through this run I am fishing and I thought oh no, if that's a tree limb I'm going to get snagged. Sure enough I get snagged up on this object which I think is a tree limb but all of a sudden it started moving. I wondered if I had a fish on because it just took off. I started pulling so hard I pulled the hook out and then all of a sudden three heads pop up and they are river otters so I must've caught a river otter.
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