01/12/05 Opponents to Nez Perce agreement, part 2

01/12/05 Opponents to Nez Perce agreement, part 2

On May 5th the Idaho Supreme Court is scheduled to hear the Nez Perce claims to off-reservation water. Russell Brooks of the Pacific Legal Foundation says a previous decision by Snake River Basin Adjudication judge Barry Wood rejected the tribal water claims and there are a half dozen US Supreme Court rulings to support that. BROOKS "Judge Wood issued a very thoughtful, comprehensive and thorough decision that addressed all of the issues." Owyhee County cattleman Tim Lowry opposes the Nez Perce agreement because some livestock permit holders will lose water rights and grazing land. LOWRY "Look at the background and history of those rights. Its inconceivable to me that through a process of secret negotiations those rights would just be summarily stripped from the permittees that own those rights." North Idaho range consultant Wally Butler's biggest concern is the grazing fee increase. BUTLER "Tribal leases start at a base of nine dollars and go from there up to 17 to 18 dollars per animal unit month. So that's in the vicinity of a ten fold increase in what ranchers will experience in fees." Tomorrow, an eastern Idaho farmer tells us how he'd be affected by the Nez Perce agreement. Voice of Idaho Agriculture Bill Scott
Previous Report01/11/05 Opponents of Nez Perce Water agreement
Next Report01/13/05 A farmer`s view of water agreement