Rick Worthington
Rick Worthington
Farming is inherently risky. How many other professions can claim they are completely at the mercy of the weather? It is the uncontrollable factor that can make or break you.

Polinators, like bees are also a big issue for Farmers. Bees are a farmers best friends, and vice versa...

Susannah Lerman is a Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Forest Service, says research shows you can help bees too, even if you don't live on a farm, and you can do so without spending a lot of time or money doing it.

"A lot of youth programs for providing wildlife habitat and they're telling you to go plant this to go buy that and then to do something with it... and so that means you have to have the money, you have to have time, and then you have to have a green thumb. If you don't know what to do, don't have extra time, but the thing that's so lovely about this is that you can do nothing. because of my busy life is just one more thing that I just not going to get to you. by not mowing the lawn, I'm doing something."

The decline in honeybees is linked to pests and disease, poor nutrition, hive management and exposure to pesticides.

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